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Health Care Navigation

Health Care Membership Program
Join Us for Your Health Care Needs in London Ontario


One of the most common concerns that our clients bring to us is the challenges with navigating the healthcare system.  From primary care options to specialist and diagnostic testing Ontario patients are in need of better access options.

The Medpoint NAVIGATOR program is designed to help individuals and organizations with finding timely care for their families and their employees:


Primary Care:  With 5 family doctors and two Nurse Practitioners Medpoint can provide timely access to primary health concerns which may lead to specialist and diagnostic testing.


Medpoint members can often be seen (virtually or in person) the same day or next.  Corporate navigator clients (employees) are usually seen within 48 hours.


Specialist Care:  With 19 Medical specialists on site and a dedicated navigator team,  Medpoint strives to provide timely diagnostic and medical treatments throughout Ontario.

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